Simple Quince Paste

by possandruby

Quince paste is the ultimate winter treat.  It’s the season where this old fashioned, unattractive knobbley fruit is plentiful and can be found at markets and green grocers… or from your friendly neighbours.

The humble quince has had a bit of a revitalisation over the past decade but there are still people that don’t know what it is or what to do with it.  I substitute it like an apple in many recipes it’s an excellent fruit for stewing and baking. Be aware quinces can be slightly tart so if you plan on making a quince pie or crumble add some apples for sweetness.

I believe the ultimate use for this vintage fruit is to make quince paste, a gooey spread that can accompany any cheese board matching hard and soft cheeses – my preferred options are a blue brie or a crumbly vintage cheddar.

This simple recipe will make plenty of quince paste for you to feature on your winter cheese platters. Serve it with a heart warming red wine or a comforting cider and your friends and family will be truly impressed!


4 large quinces, peeled and diced

1/2 cup water

700g white sugar

Peel and core the quinces – you will need to use a large kitchen knife as they can be quite hard to chop. Add the diced quinces to a heavy based pot with 1/2 cup of water.  Allow to cook until soft. Depending on the ripeness and moisture content of your quinces you may need to add a little more water to allow the quinces to cook down (be careful not to add too much though).

Once the quince is soft and well cooked through add to a blender to puree. When consistency is smooth return mixture back to the pot and add sugar. Allow sugar to dissolve over a medium heat and the reduce heat to low.

Stir regularly on a very low heat until mixture thickens. The paste is ready once it becomes a blush orange shade. NOTE: This can take some time (up to 3 hours) so be prepared to be on hand to stir.

You can cook the paste a little longer and it will be a maroon colour the mixture then becomes quite firm and rubbery, I prefer it to be more spreadable so I cook my paste just beyond the thick jammy consistency.

Once thickened, add to plastic tubs or jars and it is ready to serve.

Keeps refrigerated for up to 3 months.

If you try this recipe we would love to hear from you share your results with us on social media @possandruby or in the comments below.

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